Thursday, November 02, 2006


I am sleeping in my room at around 12.30 in the afternoon after a heavy lunch. I set the alarm to ring at 1.50 so that I'd be able to get up on time for a 2'o clock lecture which I couldn't afford to miss.

Suddenly, I wake up and look at my watch. It's 2.05. I change my clothes, take my bag and run out of my room. I cycle like a mad man and reach the classroom at 2.15. I enter the class, the professor glares at me and I take a seat.

And then I get up.

I look at my watch. It's 2.05. "Oh fuck! Oh! Fuck!" I change my clothes, take my bag and run out of my room. I cycle like a mad man and reach the classroom. I look at my watch. It's 2.15. I enter the class with the professor giving me a stern look. I take a seat.

It is an air-conditioned room. And I am sweating like I 'm being roasted. I'm scared. Really scared.